Core Scene Graph Data Structures in C++


If not NULL, the appearance field of a Shape node is only allowed to contain a pointer to an Appearance node. In the VRML’97 Standard the Appearance node has three fields: material, texture, and textureTransform. In the DGP2023 implementation the Appearance node only has two fields: material and texture. Both fields have NULL as their default values.

This is how the Appearance node is defined in the VRML'97 Standard.

Appearance {
  SFNode    material         NULL
  SFNode    texture          NULL
  // SFNode textureTransform NULL

This is the public interface to the Appearance class as defined in the DGP2023 implementation.

class Appearance : public Node {
    virtual            ~Appearance();
    Node*               getMaterial();
    Node*               getTexture();
    void                setMaterial(Node* material);
    void                setTexture(Node* texture);
    virtual bool        isAppearance() const;
    virtual string      getType()      const;