Core Scene Graph Data Structures in C++
Base Classes
In addition to int, float, bool, vector<int>, and vector<float>, these classes define various types values used as node field values in the DGP2023 implementation.
class Color { public: float r,g,b; public: Color(float R, float G=, float B); Color& operator=(Color& src); };
class Vec2f { public: float x,y; public: Vec2f(float X, float Y); float& operator[] (int i); Vec2f& operator= (Vec2f& src); Vec2f& operator+= (Vec2f& rhs); Vec2f& operator-= (Vec2f& rhs); float norm() const; void normalize(); };
class Vec3f { public: float x,y,z; public: Vec3f(float X, float Y, float Z); float& operator[] (int i); Vec3f& operator= (Vec3f& rhs); Vec3f& operator+= (Vec3f& rhs); Vec3f& operator-= (Vec3f& rhs); float norm() const; void normalize(); };
class Vec4f { public: float x,y,z,w; public: Vec4f(float X, float Y, float Z, float W); float& operator[] (int i); Vec4f& operator= (Vec4f& rhs); Vec4f& operator+= (Vec4f& rhs); Vec4f& operator-= (Vec4f& rhs); float norm() const; void normalize(); };
class Rotation { public: Rotation(); Rotation(float x, float y, float z, float angle); Rotation(Vec3f& axis, float angle); void set(float x, float y, float z, float angle); void set(Vec4f& value); void operator=(Vec4f& value); Vec3f& getAxis(); float getAngle(); };