Core Scene Graph Data Structures in C++


Only pointers to IndexedFaceSet nodes and IndexedLineSet nodes are allowed as values for the geometry field of a Shape node. In the VRML'97 Standard the IndexedFaceSet node is defined as follows:

IndexedLineSet {
  SFNode        coord           NULL
  MFInt32       coordIndex      []              # [-1,)
  SFNode        color           NULL
  MFInt32       colorIndex      []              # [-1,)
  SFBool        colorPerVertex  TRUE

In the DGP2023 implementation the IndexedLineSet C++ class has the following private interface.

class IndexedLineSet : public Node {
    void                clear();
    bool&               getColorPerVertex();
    vector<float>&      getCoord();
    vector<int>&        getCoordIndex();
    vector<float>&      getColor();
    vector<int>&        getColorIndex();
    int                 getNumberOfPolylines();
    int                 getNumberOfCoord();
    int                 getNumberOfColor();
    void                setColorPerVertex(bool value);
    virtual bool        isIndexedLineSet() const;
    virtual string      getType()          const;