Assignment 1
Introduction to Geometry Processing

This assignment will introduce basic geometry processing for polygonal meshes. After completing this homework you should have a good understanding of the type of algorithms, data structures, and coding practices expected for this course – especially with regard to the Java framework we'll provide. In particular, you'll be implementing a variety of fundamental mesh operations, including: selection, deletion, and classification of vertices, edges, and faces. The methods developed in this problem set will form the foundation for further assignments focusing on more advanced topics such as compression and filtering.
Assignment 2
Computing Iso-curves and Iso-surfaces
In this assignment you will implement algorithms to extract iso-curves of piecewise linear functions defined on triangle meshes, and iso-surfaces of piece-wise linear functions defined on tetrahedral meshes.
Assignment 3
Smoothing, Simplification, Subdivision, and Optimization
The goal of this assignment is to implement four operations: Smoothing with support for soft and hard constraints, Edge collapse simplification, Adaptive red-blue triangle subdivision, and connectivity optimization by edge flipping.