

Fall Semester 2003 | Course Flyer | Course Introduction
Mondays and Wednesday 8:30 am - 9:50pm B&H 092

INSTRUCTOR : Gabriel Taubin

Previously taught at CalTech, Spring Quarter 2001: CalTech EE148/2001

By 3D Photography we refer to a number of processes that use cameras and lights to capture the shape and appearance or 3D objects. These processes provide simple ways of creating graphical models for a number of applications, including computer animation, game development, electronic commerce, heritage preservation, reverse engineering, and virtual reality. In this course we study and build basic 3D capture techniques and systems, surface representations and data structures, as well as methods to smooth, denoise, edit, compress, transmit, simplify, and optimize very large polygonal models. The goal is to build a complete 3D scanning and polygon mesh processing system during the semester. The system is partitioned into independent projects. Teams are formed and assigned to the projects. The class concludes with successful completion of the projects, and a demo of the complete system.


Homework and Policy:

  • 4 homework problem sets (15% each); some include programming assignments
  • One final project (40%).
  • Homework assignments will be published on this web page as soon as available.
  • No midterm, no final.
  • No textbook. Course notes & copies of relevant papers will be handed out.
  • Two or more students can collaborate on any homework, but every student is expected to hand in his/her own answers.
  • Late homework penalty of 25 % up to 1 day late and 50% otherwise.
  • Office hours TBD