Computational Photography

Bilateral Filtering (September 2006)
Bilateral filtering was proposed by Tomasi and Manduchi in 1998 as a non-iterative method for edge-preserving smoothing. This album illustrates bilateral image abstraction using the method outlined by Winnemöller et al. in 2006.
Catadioptric Imagery (Fall 2005)
Catadioptric imaging systems are composed of both lenses and mirrors. In my research at Brown, I am working with Prof. Gabriel Taubin to develop novel computer vision algorithms using these systems.
Travel Photography

Singapore (December 2008)
SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 was held in Singapore, where I presented Shield Fields: Modeling and Capturing 3D Occluders. This album shows some of the main attractions, including: the Merlion, Orchard Road, Jurong Bird Park, and Fort Canning.

Banff (July 2008)
I presented a survey of my recent work on active imaging at the 3D Cinematography Workshop, held at the Banff International Research Station (BIRS) in Alberta, Canada. This album documents the local shops and hiking trails near BIRS.
Montréal (August 2007)
The Sixth International Conference on 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling (3DIM 2007) was held in Montréal. This album shows some of the main attractions, including: Vieux-Montréal, the Biodôme, and (of course) the 3DIM conference venue.
France (July 2006)
This album summarizes my summer internship at INRIA Rhône-Alpes. Destinations include Paris, Lyon, Grenoble, Annecy, and Geneva. Panoramas were created using David Lowe's excellent Autostitch software.

Newport (August 2005)
There's no IKEA here, but the Gilded Age wasn't about minimalism anyway. Popular mansions include: The Breakers, Chateau-sur-Mer, Rosecliff, Marble House, and The Elms. Bonus activity: solve the mystery of the Old Stone Mill!
Last Updated: February 17, 2009