Assignment 1:
Pixel Processing Operations

The goal of this assignment is to implement several pixel processing operations such as color conversions, thresholding, arbitrary color mappings; compute histograms, and perform histogram equalization.
Assignment 2:
Linear and Nonlinear Filters

The goal of this assignment is to implement several linear and nonlinear filters in the space domain: convolution, meadian and bilateral; as well as linear filters in the frequency domain.
Assignment 3:
Geometric Transformations and Polygon Mesh Warping

The goal of this assignment is to implement several geometric transformations: affine, bilinear, and projective; warping transformations based on polygon mesh deformations: picewise linear and piecewise bilinear; and some mesh generation algorithgms: adaptive triangle mesh subdivision and laplacian smoothing.
Assignment 4:
Computing Isocurves and Smoothing Polygon Curves

The goal of this assignment is to implement several isocurve extraction algorithms: regular triangulation, cuberille, and marching squares; as well as a simple smoothing algorithm for polygonal curves.
Assignment 5:
Automated Image-Stitching

The goal of this assignment is to implement several software components that allows to automatically align and stitch two images with overlapping field of view to produce a single image.