Lecture 01 THU 2018/01/25
- Course Description
- What is 3D Photography?
- Overview
- Lecture Notes: Introduction to Optical Triangulation
Lecture 02 TUE 2018/01/29
- First Project : Build a Turntable-Based 3D Scanner
- Image Formation
- Camera Models
- What is an Image?
- Pixels
- Representation of Lines and Rays
- Representation of Planes
- Perspective Projection
- The Camera Pinhole Model
- Models of Lens Distortion
- Lecture Notes: The Mathematics of Optical Triangulation
Lecture 03 THU 2018/02/01
- Assignment 1 - is out - Software Setup and Laser Line Detection

Lecture 04 TUE 2018/02/06
- Lecture Notes on Camera Calibration
- Camera Model
- Bundle Adjustment
- Pose Estimation
- Camera Calibration with 3D Rig
Lecture 05 THU 2018/02/08
- Assignment 2 - is out - Matlab Camera Calibration and Triangulation
- Camera Calibration with Planar Patterns
- Laser Plane Calibration
- Optical Triangulation
Lecture 06 TUE 2018/02/13
- Turntable Calibration
- Algebraic and Geometric Description of Rotations
- Rodrigues Formula
- Turntable-Based Laser Scanner
Lecture 07 THU 2018/02/15
- Shadow Scanning - Desktop 3D Photography Slides
Lecture 08 THU 2018/02/22
- Assignment 3 - is out - Turntable and Laser Plane Calibration
- 3D Scanning with Structured Light
- Binary Coding
- Gray Coding
- Other Structured Light Techniques
Overview of Coded Light Projection Techniques for Automatic 3D Profiling
by Jordi Pages and Joaquim Salvi
Lecture 09 TUE 2018/02/27
- Projector - Camera Calibration
Simple, Accurate, and Robust Projector-Camara Calibration
by Daniel Moreno and Gabriel Taubin
Lecture 10 THU 2018/03/01
Projector-Camera Calibration Software
by Daniel Moreno and Gabriel Taubin - Software Demo
Lecture 11 TUE 2018/03/06
- Robust Pixel Classification
- Slides [PDF]
Robust Pixel Classification for 3D Modeling with Structured Light
by Yi Xu and Daniel G. Aliaga -
Fast Separation of Direct and Global Components of a Scene using High
Frequency Illumination
by Shree K. Nayar, Gurunandan Krishnan, Michael D. Grossberg, and Ramesh Raskar
[Project Web Site] [Video]
Lecture 12 THU 2018/03/08
- Phase Shifting
- Embedded Phase Shifting
- Slides [PDF]
Embedded Phase Shifting: Robust Phase Shifting with Embedded
by Daniel Moreno Kilho Son Gabriel Taubin, CVPR 2015.
TUE 2018/03/13 --- Class cancelled due to snow storm
Lecture 13 THU 2018/03/15
- Discussion of Potential Final Projects
Lecture 14 TUE 2018/03/20
- Registration and Merging of Multiple Point Clouds
- Closed Form Solution for the 3D Least Squares Correspondence Problem
- Slides [PDF]
Lecture 15 THU 2018/03/22
- Discussion of Potential Final Projects
SPRING BREAK [2018/03/24 - 2018/04/01]
Lecture 16 TUE 2018/04/03
- Multi-View Stereo
- Slides [PDF]
- Seitz et al., A Comparison and Evaluation of Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction Algorithms, CVPR 2006, pp. 519-526 [PDF]
Lecture 17 THU 2018/04/05
- Assignment 4 - Build Your Own Laser Scanner
- Final Project Proposals
Lecture 18 TUE 2018/04/10
- Coordinates, Colors, Normal Vectors
- How to estimate Colors and Normal Vectors
- Photometric Stereo
A Survey of Photometric Stereo Techniques
by J. Ackermann and M. Goesele.
Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Vision,
vol. 9, no. 3-4, pp. 149–254, 2013.
Lecture 19 THU 2018/04/12
Lecture 20 TUE 2018/04/17
Lecture 21 THU 2018/04/19
Lecture 22 TUE 2018/04/24
Lecture 23 THU 2018/04/26
Lecture 24 TUE 2018/05/01
Lecture 25 THU 2018/05/03